Onward Love seeks to offer non-judgemental, identity-affirming, trauma-informed doula support and expansive education that centers the full human experience and dismantles the heteronormative, patriarchal, white supremacist, and ableist systems that surround us.
We co-create our futures through community as we return to the lost wisdom of those of us who are and have been systemically oppressed.
We hold space for individuals and communities as they breathe life into the world, navigating the full-spectrum of transitions into and around reproduction, family building and parenthood.
How we move through the world.
We strive to see all bodies in their powerful and individual essence, moving through complex human emotions and experiences toward healing + liberation.
To affirm individuals' overlapping identities and needs is to challenge the status quo and dedicate time + energy to dismantle oppressive systems that push people into the margins. Expanding the way that we love and see ourselves and others is central to our work.